cons of the national popular vote plansigns my husband likes my sister

Or the opposite could be true. 2. what connection type is known as "always on"? Web. That offers the possibility that someone unwilling or unable to hold the office could be elected. If enacted by enough states, the National Popular Vote bill would guarantee the presidency to the candidate who receives the most popular votes in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. sale of united methodist church property. Is the National Popular Vote Plan Constitutional? According to the University of Missouri-Kansas City Law School, some proponents of the Electoral College argue that it isolates election problems, such as illegally extended voting hours or irregularly high voter turnout. Here are six reasons why legislators should reject this attempt to jettison our electoral system: 1. In addition, the bill has been unanimously approved at the committee level in the states of Georgia and Missouri, controlling a combined 27 electoral votes. Electoral college reform proposals include (1) the district plan, awarding each state's two at-large electoral votes to the statewide popular vote winners, and one electoral vote to the winning candidates in each congressional district; (2) the proportional plan, awarding electoral votes in states in direct proportion to the popular vote gained As of now, 15 states and Washington, D.C. have joined the National Popular Vote compact: Connecticut, Rhode Island, Vermont, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Maryland, Washington, New Jersey, Illinois, New York, California, Colorado, New Mexico, Delaware and Oregon. And finally, the Electoral College doesnt work today anywhere near how the Founding Fathers intended it to work when they created it back in 1787. The states would implement this plan once enough states controlling 270 electoral votes have signed on, guaranteeing that the national popular vote winner will win the presidency.. It has been enacted by twelve states, which include Rhode Island, Vermont, Hawaii, the District of Columbia, Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, Washington, New Jersey, Illinois, New York, and California. Thats how politics works in America. And thats not how it should be in a democracy. Politicians would focus on fewer swing states (Bigger states more potential votes) Similarly, because a national campaign mandates a national message, there would also be a smaller incentive for coalition-building or taking into account the characteristics, needs and desires of citizens in differing states and regions. The election is held every four years on the first Tuesday in November and prior to election day, the two candidates endure state-level primaries, caucuses, debates, and conventions. The country thinks we are going to elect the president using the Electoral College/Winner-Take-All system tans and then four months before the election we change to the National Popular Vote Compact system and elect the president by whoever gets the most popular votes. It would reduce the influence of third parties on the U.S. presidential election. 4. You are also agreeing to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. The official 2016 election results from the Electoral College gave Donald J. Trump the victory with 306 electoral votes v. Hillary Clinton's 232 votes. There are a number of pros for this method. 7. For the 7 presidential elections between 1992-2016, the Republican candidate has won the Electoral college 3 times. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. 1. Under the plan, Michigan's 15 Electoral . 5. On Dec. 22, 2016, the results were certified in all 50 states. Their answer is simple: one in which every citizen's vote is equal to every other citizen's vote and one in which the winner of the presidential popular vote, no matter how small his or her percentage is of those who voted, would be elected. The Electoral College was established in the Constitution to protect minority interests and mitigate the possibility of a regional candidate. A close election would trigger the need for a full recount. ThoughtCo, Dec. 16, 2020, As a result, the percentage of popular votes secured by Donald Trump was just 46.4% in comparison with Hilary Clinton, who secured 48.5% of the votes. Due to some states being heavily populated in comparison to others, that may help a candidate quickly obtain a win. Candidates get one vote for every congressional district they win, and then two votes for winning the state-wide vote. A direct popular election also ensures that citizens' votes have equal weight. More attention is given to the swing states, such as Florida and Iowa, which causes the third problem the Electoral College can cause. With a popular vote in place, each election win would be decreed a mandate to follow the platform of the winning party. It happened once, in 1876. If the presidential election were switched to the popular vote, then it would only take about 35% of the vote for a candidate to win. A plan to enact the National Popular Vote was introduced in the Michigan Legislature on Wednesday. . Under the National Popular Vote plan,the compact would take effect only when enabling legislation has been enacted by states collectively possessing a majority of the electoral votes:270 of 538 total. Rebekah Richards is a professional writer with work published in the "Atlanta Journal-Constitution," "Brandeis University Law Journal" and online at I fear that most, if not all, of the states signing onto the NPV Compact will be just blue states. They have only won the popular vote once. The electoral college leads to a heavy emphasis on swing states and also typically over-represents citizens in rural states. It isnt impossible to pass a Constitutional amendment, though history shows that it is not an easy process to complete. Here are the Cons of the Electoral College 1. 7. In the 2020 general election, a ballot proposition attempted to overturn Colorado's membership to the pact, but the measure failed, 52.3% to 47.7% in the referendum. Electing a president who did not have broad regional support could lead to a fractured and less cohesive country, according to the Atlas of U.S. Presidential Elections. The National Popular Vote stems from the winner-take-all approach that validates the presidential candidate interactions with only 4 out of 50 dates during their campaign. That structure makes it easier for extremist views to find official representation. A simple change in the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact could fix the flaw and still provide the benefits of a popular election. In U.S. history, there has been one vice-presidential candidate who died after being nominated and one that withdrew from their partys ticket. 6. Heres how. Change). The popular vote currently gives every citizenCalifornians and Texans, Hawaiians and Mainers, Alabamans and Oregoniansan equal say in choosing the president. That could lead to a very bad situation where, instead of the people voting in November to determine who the next president is, one or two states could effectively decide who becomes the next president simply by joining or withdrawing from the NPV Compact and changing the rules on how the votes for president are counted in the next election. However, a popular vote system, although hard to implement, is a more purely democratic system than the Electoral College. 2. It would limit the influence of local issues in the election. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. During the 2012 elections, 38 states, also known as spectator states, were ignored and forgotten. Watch out! The National Popular Vote (NPV) refers to the concept of allocating a state's presidential electors to the candidate who receives the most votes nationwide regardless of the state results in a presidential election. In contrast, other issues related to the federal government are not exclusively entrusted to the states, and therefore the states lack the power to alter them. On a close popular vote, often defined as a difference of 0.5% or less in the tabulated results, an automatic recount would likely be triggered. 805 15th Street, NW, Suite 800 A popular vote election takes all ballots that are cast, counts them, and declares the winner based on who received the most votes. Note: Today we are in a phase where the popular vote in presidential elections leans Democratic. (accessed March 4, 2023). Proportional Plan Electoral votes are designated among the states based on Census. That means a candidate who receives a majority of their votes in a high-delegate state, such as California, could make a dramatic impact on the rest of the election. Second, some believe itll intensify election problems, such as illegally extended voting hours or irregularly high voter turnout (Richards). Retrieved from, Should the Electoral College Be Abolished, Pros for The Electoral College in the United States, Electoral College is Undemocratic but We Have no Better System, The Electoral College Should Be Terminated, The Electoral College Annotated Bibliography. During the 2012 elections, 38 states, also known as spectator states, were ignored and forgotten. In the U.S., that means people who lean Democratic live in urban areas, while people who lean Republican live in rural areas. Even the minority party wouldnt be encouraged to negotiate because they could simply stall until the next election. ThoughtCo. Under the system of proportional representation, any party with a high enough percentage of the vote will receive a seat in the government. 10 Apr. Hence, the National Popular Vote plan is an interstate compact a type of state law authorized by the U.S. Constitution that enables states to enter into a legally enforceable, contractual obligation to undertake agreed joint actions, which may be delayed in implementation until a requisite number of states join in. 4. The Electoral College system - the way we really elect our president - has always had its detractors and lost even more public support after the 2016 election, when it became apparent that President-ElectDonald Trump might have lost the nationwide popular vote to Sec. I am confident that when we enter the next phase where the popular vote leans Republican that Republicans will change and be adamant that we should elect the president by direct popular vote and Democrats will be arguing why we should keep the Electoral College/Winner-Take-All system. For example: States already have the power to award their electors to the winner of the national popular vote, although this would be disadvantageous to the state that did so unless it was joined simultaneously by other states that represent a majority of electoral votes. A candidate could be elected without the popular vote. Home| Government| Elections| Electoral College| Electoral College Pros And Cons. By adding this new interstate compact to the Electoral College/Winner-Take-All system to elect our president we are in fact making this system even more complicated and even harder for the voters to understand. In 2016, Hillary Clinton had more than 10 million of these votes, while Donald Trump had more than 8.3 million, even though Trump won 30 states and Clinton won 20 and the District of Columbia. That would increase the amount of polarization being experienced in politics today because there would be less of a need to compromise. Maine and Nebraska are the only two states that are not affected by this approach. The last amendment, the 27th Amendment to the Constitution, was ratified nearly 200 years after it was originally proposed. Under the Electoral College system, voters in states that are overwhelmingly in support of one candidate might feel like their vote is unimportant. The states' approval of the compact is a victory for democracy and the principle of "one person, one vote." But we're closer to that than you might think 15 states and the District of Columbia have already signed on, providing 196 electoral votes of the needed 270. HuffPost's top politics stories, straight to your inbox. Going to the popular vote would eliminate this issue altogether. This was the intent of the Founding Fathers. Should that happen, then the final decision of who gets to serve as President of the United States is taken away from individual voters. Although it is sometimes conjectured that a national popular election would focus only on big cities, it is clear that this would not be the case. The official 2016 election results from the Electoral College gave Donald J. Trump the victory with 306 electoral votes v. Hillary Clinton's 232 votes. Maryland and New Jersey passed this bill in 2007, Hawaii and Illinois in 2008, Washington in 2009, Massachusetts and the District of Columbia in 2010, California and Vermont in 2011, Rhode Island in 2013, New York in 2014 and Connecticut in 2018. The United States has a representative democracy rather than a direct democracy: Citizens elect representatives rather than voting on each bill. In the 2016 election, "swing states" that might vote Republican or Democrat like Wisconsin were targets of candidates Donald J. Trump and Hillary R. Clinton. Steve Sisolak vetoed it. A popular vote election would bring the presidential election in line with the rest of the election structures. National Popular Vote (NPV) was founded in 2006 by lottery scratch-card inventor John Koza and election lawyer Barry Fadem to lobby for an "interstate compact" for states to deliver their electoral votes for President to the "winner" of the national popular vote. It awards all the bonus votes to the winner of the popular vote. In U.S. history, the electoral college winner has failed to secure the popular vote 5 times. Even though pre-election polls made conspicuous predictions of Hilary Clinton winning the presidency and . Our experts will write for you an essay on any topic, with any deadline and requirements from scratch, Electoral College and National Popular Vote Pros and Cons. List of the Cons of Proportional Representation. 41 States (with 80% of U.S. population) will be Ignored in the 2024 Presidential Election. The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact collectively apportions votes to the winner of the overall popular vote without a constitutional amendment abolishing the electoral college or the assent of Congress. In the case of a tie, there are contingencies in place to determine which person will serve in the elected office. Here are the essential pros and cons of popular vote elections to examine. It would eliminate superfluous votes. Although moving to a popular vote election would balance the weight of each vote, it would also create more sway in larger population states.

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