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  • ' + $('.rs-gallery-desc-trigger').attr('aria-label', 'Read More about ' + getTitle); Supported browsers: Chrome version 21 and later. ["Icelandic", "slenska", "is"], Location: Chapman Elementary. var mmg = eval("multimediaGallery" + $("#sw-content-container10.ui-hp").attr("data-pmi")); ["Sindhi", "", "sd"], $(' li div.bullet').click(function(e){ }); //this just being here seems to have fixed some odd issue on iOS were you couldn't click the bullets. if($("#custom-mystart-register").length) { "imageNum768" : 2, //NUMBER OF IMAGES TO DISPLAY AT 768 ["Pashto", "", "ps"], "allLoaded" : function(){ // ********** FOOTER ********** // var imgWidth = $("#gb-logo img").width(); }, 800, function(){ ["Kannada", "", "kn"], ["Arabic", "", "ar"], eGap - Consolidated Application Resources : eGAP Checklist 2021-2022 : 2021-2022 ESSA Required Documents : Guidance on Constitutionally Protected Prayer: Equitable Services to Non-Public Schools : . function setupCustomColors(){ $(v).hide(); $("div.ui-spn > div").css({"text-align" : "center", "padding" : "50px 0px 50px 0px"}); The world of virtual learning is growing - approximately 5 million high school students across the nation enrolled in a fully online class. $(" .rs-menu-group-list > ul > li.false").remove(); "slideFullView": false, $(".district-home-button").hide(); if( getWidth < 1024 ){ clearDropdowns(); $("#sw-maincontent").css({ $('#gb-sidebar-nav > ul >').removeClass('active-element').next('li').addClass("active-element"); ["Communication/2.png", "Download the App", "", "_self"], // ARRAY ORDER - IMAGE, TEXT, LINK, TARGET "buttonColor" : "#FFF", //COLOR TO BE USED FOR THE BACK AND NEXT BUTTONS In those cases, all positions except administrative may be posted only 7 days. $('.rs-gallery-bottom-control-inner .rs-gallery-desc-trigger').focus(); if(e.keyCode == 38 && $('#gb-sidebar-nav > ul >').index() > 0){ ["Cebuano", "Cebuano", "ceb"], if(!$(".rs-menu-group.popular-links .rs-menu-group-list > ul > li").length) { "descMoreLinkText" : "READ MORE", } else if ($("#hp-slideshow .rs-photo-gallery-bullet-control.back").length) { $('#hp-slideshow .rs-photo-gallery-container').append(''); switch( e.which ){ Alabama Learning Exchange (ALEX) is the free, state educational Web portal designed to provide the best, high-quality resources and one-stop shopping for Alabama's teachers, principals, parents, and students. $('#hp-slideshow .rs-gallery-bottom-control-inner').prepend($('#hp-slideshow .mmg-bullets-outer')); menuIndex++; $(".translate-dropdown").addClass("branded"); } About. $('#hp-slideshow .rs-photo-gallery-desc').removeClass('force-hide-caption'); } $(".rs-photo-gallery-desc-outer, .rs-gallery-bottom-control-inner .rs-gallery-desc-trigger").addClass("cs-hide-desc"); Certified/Professional: Teachers, Psychologists, Social Workers, Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, Speech Therapists, Counselors. A screening committee further narrows the applicant pool by applying a screen to all qualified applicants. $("#hp-slideshow").focus(); if(e.which == 38 || e.which == 40 || e.which == 9){ "thumbnails" : "no", ] if( $('#hp-slideshow .rs-photo-gallery-desc').hasClass('hidden') ){ $('#hp-slideshow .mmg-description-outer').css('top', $('#gb-channel-list-outer').outerHeight() + slideshowOffset); e.preventDefault(); ["Japanese", "", "ja"], } else { "thumbnailViewerNum": [3, 4, 3, 3, 2], // NUMERICAL - [960 view, 768 view, 640 view, 480 view, 320 view] Employment Opportunities Application Process Applications Teach in Alabama Applicant Login Become a Substitute Become a Bus Driver Standard Application Login Home Employees Work For Us! "extraBackIconClass" : "dev-icon-arrow rotating-icon point-left", });*/ $(".mmg-description-link, #hp-slideshow .rs-photo-gallery-desc .rs-gallery-desc-trigger").attr("tabindex","-1"); ["Malagasy", "Malagasy", "mg"], $('.ui-widget-header h1', this).append(''); ["Maori", "Maori", "mi"], "text": "Calendar", } else { $("#sw-content-container10.ui-hp").html("
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  • ' + "buttonBackground": "#E6E6E6", // DEFAULT #E6E6E6 .noprint { */ } } else if($("#sw-content-container10.ui-hp").length) { channelItem = $("#gb-channel-list-outer .sw-channel-item:first-child"); $("#social-icons.sidebar-slideout li.false").remove(); '
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  • ' + background: #335905; /*dark green*/ $("#hp-slideshow .mmg-description-outer .mmg-description-link.last").keydown(function(e) { Interviews may be conducted by principals and Central Office personnel. Upon employment, the original certificate must be provided. } "thumbnailWidth" : 122, function stickyChannelBarReset(){ An application must be completed online at to be considered for the vacant position. $('a#ui-btn-mypasskey').click(function(e){ "efficientLoad" : "yes", } $('#sw-mystart-mypasskey') function logoWidth() { Application Process. background: #3B70A0; /*lighter blue*/ if('false' == "true") { Montgomery, AL 36130. if(e.keyCode == 38){ Type. $(v, v1).addClass('upcomingevents-app'); scrollTop: target.offset().top - offset //this offset accounts for the fixed menu on the top

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