A Fresher’s Guide To Student Clubs

Getting involved in club activities is one of the most rewarding experiences in college if done correctly. The long hours spent after class working and chilling with your fellow club members are imprinted into your memory in addition to embellishing your extracurricular skill repertoire. As a fresher, these opportunities presenting Continue Reading

A New Horizon- Project Manas

The field of Computer Science has undergone a massive transformation with the introduction of Artificial Intelligence. As of 2018, AI has managed to reach almost all areas of study, ranging from Healthcare to Transport. Although a difficult topic to grasp initially, the benefits of Artificial Intelligence are plenty.  Students around … Continue Reading

The Clubs of MIT: Non-Technical

The many non-technical clubs and student organisations of Manipal, provide students with an opportunity to step outside their academic lives and explore their passions. Not only cultivating skills but also providing spaces for interaction for students across courses cultivating similar interests and talents. Here’s a brief guide to finding your … Continue Reading

The Clubs of MIT: Technical

Engineering shouldn’t be limited to the classroom, and those with a passion to learn can do so best with the right support and company. In Manipal, the various technical clubs provide avenues for engineering students to go beyond classroom lectures and truly explore what engineering, their branch or a different … Continue Reading

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